A truly magical place...

There is a power and energy in the mountains of Ardèche. You can feel it immediately as you leave Haute-Loire and enter the mountains. I don't want to sound like a 'new ager' but you can practically feel the vibrations when you're there.

The Ardèche Mountains in France are a realm of natural wonder, where rugged limestone cliffs, dense forests, and deep gorges create a landscape of breathtaking beauty. The area is home to the world-famous Pont d'Arc, a natural stone arch carved by the Ardèche River, and the Chauvet Cave, where some of the oldest known prehistoric art can be found. This region offers an untouched, tranquil environment, perfect for outdoor enthusiasts who enjoy hiking, canoeing, and exploring hidden caves. The Ardèche's blend of stunning scenery, rich history, and tranquil atmosphere makes it a truly magical destination.

As an American, it's a strange place. It reminds me, geographically and topographically of the Appalachian region of the United States, particularly in states like West Virginia, North Carolina or Tennessee. Like the Ardèche, the Appalachian Mountains feature rolling hills, dense forests, deep river gorges, and rugged limestone formations. The Blue Ridge Parkway in this region, with its winding roads and panoramic views, closely mirrors the scenic beauty and outdoor adventure opportunities found in the Ardèche Mountains. Both areas offer a mix of mountainous terrain, lush greenery, and a sense of timeless natural beauty.

I spent a month there when I needed it the most. I don't think I've ever been anywhere else in the world that felt so centering.

It started with 'la course de caisses à savon' in Le Cheylard

My first experience in Ardèche was La Course de Caisses à Savon in Le Cheylard, a soapbox derby, a fun and popular event where participants race homemade, non-motorized vehicles down a course, relying solely on gravity. These vehicles, known as "caisses à savon" (soapboxes), are often creatively designed and decorated by the participants. The race is usually held on a downhill road, with competitors navigating sharp turns and slopes, trying to achieve the fastest time without the aid of engines.

This event is as much about creativity and community spirit as it is about speed. The atmosphere is festive, with spectators cheering on the racers, who range from children to adults. It's a celebration of ingenuity, with an emphasis on having fun rather than winning. The event brings together locals and visitors alike, making it a lively and cherished tradition in Le Cheylard.

UNPARALLELED Natural beauty

The Ardèche region is a place where nature's beauty is on full display. Towering cliffs and deep gorges carve through the landscape, with the Ardèche River winding its way through the valleys. Forests of oak and chestnut trees blanket the hillsides, offering cool shade and a sense of tranquility. As you explore, you'll find hidden caves, stunning viewpoints, and the peaceful rhythm of nature all around. The air is fresh, and the scenery is both rugged and serene, making it a perfect retreat into the natural world. It reminds me, very much, of some of the more stunningly beautiful regions of the United States.

L'Ère du Tchier de Borée

L'Ère du Tchier de Borée is a unique and mystical art installation located in the village of Borée in the Ardèche region of France. This outdoor site features a collection of stone sculptures, each carefully arranged and etched with symbols, carvings, and inscriptions. Created by the artist Serge Boyer and stone sculptor Alain Leclerc, the installation is designed to reflect themes of time, space, and the cycles of nature. The stones are positioned according to astronomical alignments, making the site feel like a modern-day Stonehenge. It's a place that invites visitors to reflect on the passage of time and the connection between the earth and the cosmos.

The Pic et Zik et Cie festival at Mazan-l'Abbaye

The Pic et Zik et Cie festival at Mazan-l'Abbaye is a lively and eclectic celebration of music, arts, and culture held in the picturesque setting of an ancient abbey in the Ardèche region. This festival brings together a diverse mix of musical performances, from folk and rock to world music, creating an atmosphere of joy and creativity. In addition to the music, the festival features workshops, art exhibitions, and activities for all ages, making it a vibrant community event. The historic backdrop of the Mazan Abbey adds a unique charm, blending cultural heritage with contemporary artistic expression.

Making cheese at Rochebesse-Gaec-Fromages de Chèvre

You can read more about that in my blog post here.

Stunning at night

At night, the Ardèche Mountains transform into a realm of quiet enchantment. The stars emerge in breathtaking clarity, unspoiled by city lights, casting a gentle glow over the rugged landscape. The silhouettes of cliffs and trees become shadowy sentinels, and the night air, cool and crisp, carries the whisper of the river below. In this stillness, the mountains feel timeless, as if the world has paused to let nature breathe and dream in the dark.


In the embrace of the Ardèche Mountains, I found a place where time slows, and the world feels both vast and intimate. The beauty of the landscape, with its rugged cliffs, serene forests, and star-filled nights, offered a profound sense of peace and connection. Here, the magic of nature isn't just seen but felt—bringing a deep, healing calm that centers the spirit. Leaving the Ardèche, I carry with me not just memories of its stunning vistas, but a renewed sense of self, grounded in the simple, yet extraordinary, wonders of this remarkable place.