A Magical Adventure in France...

As I write this blog post in San Francisco, California, my mind is a disorganized mess of thoughts. My recent three-month journey through France was nothing short of magical, blending culture, history, nature, and personal growth. From the rugged beauty of the Ardèche Mountains to the coastal charm of Roquebrune-sur-Argens, every region left its mark on me. A major highlight was attending the Les Basaltiques Music Festival, where I was swept away by the enchanting melodies in the midst of breathtaking volcanic landscapes.

I explored ancient formations and witnessed the mesmerizing La Nuit des Chimères light show in Le Mans, where I also took part in the 80th-anniversary celebration of the city's liberation. My travels brought me to traditions like the Transhumance in Provence, and making goat cheese in the Ardèche Mountains, while the simple joy of photographing chickens and experimenting with fire photography became unexpected delights.

Using BlaBlaCars and trains to hop between regions allowed me to connect with locals and fellow travelers alike, enriching my experience. And finally, my time volunteering with the photographic cultural organization, Abbe Photo, in Provence was a rewarding way to give back while further developing my craft. This trip, beyond the places and people, became one of deep introspection and self-discovery—an adventure that will stay with me forever.

Now The Question Is...

Where to go next? The default answer for me has always been, "back to France." The question I genuinely now ask myself is, "can I not go back to France? Can I even go somewhere else?"

I don't have the answer to that question, unfortunately. France has become such an integral part of my life, my identity, and my story. I am honestly not sure if I am even capable of going anywhere else at this point. I have a month-and-a-half in California to make that decision. Stay tuned for posts and photos from my travels in California and the upcoming decision on where I go next...