Being back in San Francisco is a wonderful feeling...

It's my favorite American city. I am excited to spend the next month here, exploring and sharing it photographically. October is a great month to visit San Francisco, and there are many things going on. To kick off my trip to San Francisco, I decided to visit the San Francisco botanical gardens, one of my favorite places in the city. It is a uniquely and deceptively difficult place to practice photography, but I had a wonderful time testing out my new Canon RF 24-105mm f/2.8L Z there.

The Challenge of Photographing Beauty: More Than Documentation

Photographing flowers can be deceptively difficult. Their beauty is so apparent, so inherent, that capturing it in a photograph can sometimes feel like simply documenting nature's perfection rather than creating art. And as photographers, we are tasked with interpreting beauty, not just recording it. Where a scientist may document, an artist interprets—and that’s where the challenge lies. It's easy to fall into the trap of merely taking a picture of something beautiful, but the true artistry comes in finding a way to capture not just what the flower looks like, but how it makes you feel. There is a subtle balance between celebration and interpretation, and that’s what I try to explore in my floral photography at the San Francisco Botanical Garden.

Testing My Canon 24-105mm f/2.8L Z: Versatility Meets Precision

For this shoot, I brought along my Canon 24-105mm f/2.8L Z lens, eager to test it out in a setting filled with variety. I hadn’t had much opportunity to use it before, as I didn’t bring it with me to Europe during my last three-month trip. This garden visit felt like the perfect place to put it through its paces, and it truly impressed me. The lens proved to be incredibly versatile, covering a wide range of focal lengths that allowed me to switch from close-up shots to broader scenes effortlessly. The 2.8 aperture gave me plenty of compositional options, especially in terms of depth of field, and I was blown away by its sharpness and micro contrast. Though, when shot wide open, the bokeh could sometimes be a bit busy, overall, I’m deeply impressed by the lens's performance.

Mastering Light and Shadow: San Francisco's Sun Challenge

San Francisco is famous for its overcast skies and fog, offering diffused, soft light that often works in a photographer's favor. But on this particular visit, I found myself photographing in the midday sun—one of the most challenging times to shoot. The harsh light can create high contrast and blow out delicate details, but rather than shy away from this, I embraced the opportunity to play with shadow and light. I focused on creating chiaroscuro effects, using intentional contrasts to sculpt the form of the flowers in a way that heightened their drama. The interplay between shadow and sunlight gave the flowers a moody, almost painterly quality, allowing their textures to come alive.

The Beauty of Brugmansia: Angel's Trumpet in Bloom

One of my personal highlights of the visit was photographing the brugmansia, or angel’s trumpet, a flower with which I have a long, cherished history. San Francisco is home to more brugmansia than any other city in North America, and the Botanical Garden is overflowing with them. These trumpet-shaped blooms carry an ethereal quality that has always fascinated me. Years ago, I was a master gardener and even hosted a gardening radio show. I was an avid member of the Brugmansia Growers International Association, deeply involved in breeding and growing these enchanting plants. Returning to photograph them felt like reconnecting with an old friend. Their form and grace lend themselves perfectly to artistic interpretation, making this visit a particularly special one for me.

A Must-Visit Spot: San Francisco Botanical Garden

The San Francisco Botanical Garden is more than just a beautiful collection of plants—it’s a place of peace, exploration, and inspiration. Whether you’re an avid photographer, a plant lover, or simply someone looking to take in some natural beauty, the garden offers a perfect escape from the bustle of city life. With over 8,000 different kinds of plants, it's easy to get lost among the lush landscapes, each corner offering something unique. For me, it’s a haven for both my camera and my soul.